Frequently asked questions

How can I check availability?

Just review the availability section of ‘Tour Availability’, it is up to date (within 24/ 48 hours). Please send me an email (Contact Me) to confirm the dates/ times that you are looking for.

How do I book a tour?

All you have to do to book a tour is send me an email, with a rough description of the type of tour you want! I’ll confirm back to you the details, and your tour will be booked!

I have limited mobility, will this be a problem?

I am experienced in working with different kinds of mobility issues; some parts of the city are challenging but generally speaking it won’t be an issue.

Roughly how long is a half day?

A half day is around four/ four and a half hours. We can work in a lot in that amount of time!

What is your cancellation policy?

Cancellation fourteen days or less prior to the tour date, 50% of the fee is incurred.

What is not included in the tour?

Costs for tickets to sites/ entrance fees and travel costs internal to the tour itself (for example, if it is necessary to take a brief bus or tube ride) are not covered by the tour fee.